Friday, November 2, 2018

That Thing in the Sky

To students who are reading, "That Thing in the Sky". I would love to hear from you.
Please share any thoughts or questions and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
~ Christopher


  1. hey Chris I'm in Mrs. Stewarts class I'm really loving that thing in the sky and I'm really hoping you might make a sequel

  2. hey, Chris Francis, I am in Mrs. Stewart class and I am reading that Thing in The Sky and I have some questions first I think it would be cool if you had a book that goes from people's points of view. now onto the questions. Did you have to do any special schooling to be an author. What is your favourite genre to read and have you wrote any other genres. Also, what is your opinion on book tours and signings. Did you grow up reading or did it just develop as you aged. Also did you have an inspiration if so who was/is it and did you write stories as a kid and was it always your dream to be an author if not what did you want to be and why did you become an author I am hoping to read more of your books in the future

  3. Hi Lauren, I sent you a message through your email. Did you get it?
